viernes, 30 de julio de 2010


After a long day of travel (Chicago 7:30AM - Phoenix 10:00AM, Phoenix 12:30PM-Puerto Vallarta 3:45PM, Puerto Vallarta 9:45-Ciudad de Mexico 11:20PM) I finally reached my destination: Ciudad de Mexico.

I left home some time between 4:30AM and 5:00AM, drove with my family to O'Hare, where I would be taking my plane. After a long waiting line, I got my ticket, checked my bags, and said my goodbyes, and yes, I cried. I then proceeded to the security check. I had to pull most of my electronic stuff out of my backpack...forgot to take off my belt and flip flops which they made me do, and then had to have my backpack checked anyway because for some reason I had a water bottle in my bag. Anyway, I made it to my gate, then took off to Phoenix.

I fell asleep almost as soon as I got on the plane, and upon my arrival in Phoenix my ears were hurting terribly and I could hardly hear. I ate there, at an overpriced Burger King in the airport. Then, went back to my gate to have my documents checked and boarded the plane.

I, again, fell asleep and this time the pain in my ears is what woke me up. They were hurting worse than they did in Phoenix. I could not hear, my head was hurting and I was sleepy. I made it to Puerto Vallarta and had to pick up my luggage (despite being told I wouldn´t pick it up until D.F.), went through customs and proceeded to wait the long 6-7 hours for my next and final flight. I sat in the small waiting area, in the small airport that had buckets all over the place collecting the water that leaked through the roofs. Anyway, as I waited I fell asleep, read, listened to music, slept some more, all of this with a headache. Eventually around 4 I went to look for something to eat and my first food in Mexico turned out to be Sbarro pizza...

Anyway, finally around 9ish I boarded my last plane, not before the lady at the gate got after me for taking my suitcase with me. I explained to her that the people at the ticket desk told me to do it and I don´t think the believed me but she let me take it anyway.

Finally around 11:15 I arrived in Mexico City. From the airplane you could see the entire city because of all the lights. The view was amazing and you could not even see where the city started or ended, only lights. Once inside, I picked up my luggage, one of which had the handle completely broken off and looked for my host family. It took me a long time but I finally found them and we drove home.

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